Aberdeen gaat kosten beleggingsonderzoek zelf dragen


De kosten van het externe beleggingsonderzoek, dat Aberdeen Standard Investments gebruikt bij zijn beleggingsbeslissingen, worden met ingang van 3-1-2018 niet langer doorbelast aan klanten. Deze ontwikkeling, die samenhangt met de nieuwe Europese wetgeving Mifid II, komt de klant ten goede.

Aberdeen Standard Investments statement on MiFID II: Payment for research

From 3rd January 2018, Aberdeen Standard Investments will absorb all research costs to coincide with the new MiFID II legislation which comes into effect on that date.

This follows a comprehensive review that extends the approach taken by Aberdeen Asset Management earlier this year to the newly combined entity. It demonstrates one of the immediate scale benefits from the merger by applying the highest standards towards research for the benefit of all our clients across the globe.

Aberdeen Standard Investments is a global company, with active investment management across Equities, Fixed Income, Real Estate and Multi-asset solutions. External research is an important and valuable input to our exceptional in-house research capabilities and we remain committed to our portfolio management teams’ ability to maximise active research insights across regions and asset classes for the benefit of all clients.

Aberdeen Standard Investments looks forward to contributing to the dialogue among our peers, clients, research providers and regulators to facilitate greater transparency in this area.

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Over de auteur

Eddy Schekman

Eddy Schekman woont en werkt vanuit China voor zowel The Asset als Cash.


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